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Dr.Masihulla Khan

<p><strong>TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 15 Years</strong></p> <ul> <li>From December 2016, till date, working as an <strong>Assistant Professor</strong> of geography in in <strong>G.F Post Graduate College</strong> Shahjahanpur (<strong>Rohilkhand University Bareilly</strong>) U.P., India.</li> <li>From December 2010, to Oct 2016, working as an <strong>Assistant Professor</strong> of geography in Department of Social Science Education, College of Education, EIT, Asmara, Eritrea, East Africa.</li> <li>From July 2006 To Nov. 2010 work as an Assistant professor of Geography, tought to the students of Graduate &amp; Post graduate level in <strong>G.F Post Graduate College</strong> Shahjahanpur (<strong>Rohilkhand University Bareilly</strong>) U.P., India.</li> <li>From July,2003 To May,2005, work as a Assistant Professor in W.T.M Graduate college Amroha U.P.,India</li> <li>From&nbsp; July 2000 to May 2003 work as a Lecturer of Geography in Zakir Hussain Model Senour Secondary School, Civil Line Aligerh, UP, India</li> </ul> <p><strong>ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE:</strong></p> <ul> <li>From, July 2020 continue, Head Department of Geography, GF College Shahjahanpur</li> <li>From August 2020&nbsp; continue Convener Career counseling and placement cell, GF college Shahjehanpur.</li> <li>April 2011 to Jan 2016, <strong>Head, Department of Social Sciences</strong>, College of Education, EIT, Mai Nefhi, Asmara, Eritrea, East Africa.</li> <li>From July 2006 to Nov. 2010 <strong>Head, Post Graduate Department of Geography</strong>, in G.F Post Graduate College Shahjahanpur (<strong>Rohilkhand University Bareilly</strong>) U.P., India.</li> <li>July 2006 to 2007, <strong>Assistant Procter</strong> in G.F. Post Graduate College Shahjahanpur U.P., India.</li> </ul> <p><strong>MEMBERS OF DIFFERENT COMMITTEES IN COLLEGE:</strong></p> <ul> <li>President of KHO-KHO Boys/Girls of GF College</li> <li>Member of Sports Club of GF college</li> <li>Member of Anti-Ragging Committee of GF College</li> <li>Member of Admission Committee of GF, College</li> <li>Member of Science Exhibition Committee of GF College</li> <li>Member of Food Committee of GF college</li> <li>July, 2005 to December-2010, <em>Admission coordinato</em>r (P.G. Geography) in G.F<strong> Post Graduate College</strong> Shahjahanpur U.P., India.</li> </ul> <p><strong>PUBLISHED RESEARCH ABSTRACT &amp; CONFERENCE ATTENDED:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Published Abstract entitled <strong>Role of fertilizers in wheat production</strong> (A Case Study of District Etah. In the regional conference on Environment, Agriculture and Poverty, held at Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh 3-5 March 2001.</li> <li>Published Abstract entitled <strong>A Study on Intra-District Development in the Etah District of U.P</strong>. in the National Conference on Population, Poverty, and Environment held at Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh 10-12 May 2003.</li> <li>Published Abstract entitled <strong>Place of Coarse Grains in Present Cropping Pattern</strong>. In the XXV Indian geographical Congress-2003, 27-29 December, held at Department of Geography M. M.H. College (Chaudhry Charan Singh University Meerut) Ghaziabad India.</li> <li>Published Abstract entitled <strong>Sustainability and Physical Environment</strong>. In the National conference on B-WEB-2017, held at Department of Zoology, GF, PG, College Shahjahanpur 19-20 March 2017.</li> </ul> <p><strong>PUBLISHED RESEARCH PAPER:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Published researched paper entitled <strong>Place of Coarse Grains in Present Cropping Pattern</strong>. In <em>&ldquo;uttar Bharat Bhoogol Patrika, volume-39 No.2, March-Jun,2009&rdquo;, pp75-80</em></li> <li>Published researched paper entitled <strong>A Study of intra-district Development in Etah District, U.P., India </strong>in <em>&ldquo;International Review of Comparative Sociology, Volume-2 Number-2 2011&rdquo; ISSN 0975-1149, pp 127-133</em></li> <li>Published Research paper entitled <strong>Spatio-Temporal Analysis of changing Cropping Pattern ( A case study of Distt. Etah, U.P., India) </strong>in <em>&ldquo;Asian Journal of Social Science Review[AJSSR, Volume-4, Issue-2, Sep. 2013, ISSN:2249-4634&rdquo;, pp 73-82</em></li> <li>Published research paper entitled <strong>Future Prospects of Coastal Tourism in Eritrea</strong> &ldquo;<em>International Interdisciplinary Research Journal&rdquo; May 2014, ISSN: 2249-9598, pp160-172</em></li> <li>Published Research paper entitled <strong>A Comparative Analysis of Life Style of the Local People Before and After Construction of Dams in The Sub Zone of Mendefera: A Case Study of Adi-Mengoti and Mai-Aron Dams (Eritrea) in </strong>&ldquo;<em> Research Journal of Geography University Mariboru. Filozofoska Fakulteta&rdquo;</em> 9-1/2014, ISSN: 1854-665X, pp 45-60</li> <li>Published Research paper entitled <strong>Extracting and Analyzing Forest and Wood Land Cover Change in Eritrea Based on Landsat Data Using Supervised Classification </strong>in &ldquo;<em> The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science&rdquo; Sep. 2015, <a href="http://www.elsevier.com/locate/ejrs">www.elsevier.com/locate/ejrs</a>, <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2015.09.002">http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2015.09.002</a></em></li> <li>Published Research paper entitled <strong>Attitudes of Prospective Teachers Towards Teaching Profession In Eritrea </strong>in &ldquo;<em>International Educational E Journal, </em>May 2016, ISSN-22277-2456.</li> <li>Published Research Paper entitled &ldquo;<strong>A Study of Fishing Condition of Chilika Lake&rdquo; </strong>in SAARC: <em>International Journal Of Research, </em>January 2020,&nbsp; ISSN:2347-8373, PP 17-22</li> <li>Published Research Paper entitled &ldquo;<strong>An Assessment of The Performance of fMGNREGA in India&rdquo; </strong>in <em>&nbsp;The Indian Journal Of Research Anvikshiki, </em>April 2020, ISSN: 0973-9777, PP 27-35</li> </ul> <p><strong>PUBLISHED BOOK CHAPTER:</strong></p> <ul> <li>A chapter entitled <strong>Prospects of Cultural Turism In Eritrea </strong>in &ldquo;<em> Scientific Rationality and Socio-Cultural Changes&rdquo; </em>Neelkamal Prakqashan 2018, PP-271-280, ISBN:81-88962-75-9</li> <li>A chapter entitled <strong>Trends of PM</strong><strong><sub>2.5</sub></strong><strong>and PM<sub>10</sub> in Ambient Air of Lucknow City, India in &ldquo;</strong><em> Recent Developments in Nanoscience and Green Cehemistry&rdquo;, </em>Neelkamal Prakashan 2020, PP 204-207, ISBN:978-81-88962-83-9.</li> </ul> <p><strong>PUBLISHED ARTICLE IN LOCAL NEWS PAPER:</strong></p> <ul> <li>An Article published on <em>&ldquo;Self finance Education System and The Quality of Education in India&rdquo;</em></li> </ul>



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